VMS Jobs
- VMS Jobs is Open Source.
- Compatible with ESX & QB-Core
- Compatible with esx_skin, qb-clothing, fivem-appearance, illenium-appearance
- Compatible with esx_menu_default & esx_menu_dialog, esx_context, qb-menu & qb-input, ox_lib
- It is possible to set public teleports to virtual worlds or without them, so you can do many jobs using the same interior.
- The script doesn’t have things like – healing players, handcuffs etc. this you can add yourself using your_client_code.lua and your_server_code.lua files.
Available points at works:
- Teleport
- Cloakroom
- Vehicles
- Delete Vehicle
- Boss Menu
- Items Harvest
- Items Exchange
- Items Sell
- Shop Menu
- Sell Menu
- Storage
- Tuning
- Duty
- For more informations or full view for configs, check our script documentation: HERE
- Not having a job or having one but being out of the work area (not rendering anything from work):
- While have a job and rendering markers: