We would like to introduce probably the most advanced banking for your servers. Probably you want your players to enjoy more immersive and realistic banking experience in the popular role-playing gamemode. This script brings in several features advanced features like shared accounts with separate permissions for each user, society accounts, full transactions history and even freezing or tracking accounts.
- It even comes with free custom LB-Phone app.
- QBCore Script
- Highly optimized, dynamic, easy to read codebase;
- Easy to use config with detailed documentation;
- Easy installation;
- Separate interfaces for Bank and ATM;
- Two LORE themes for banks and ATMS (Fleeca and Maze Bank);
- Only withdraw available via ATM and full operations and actions available via Bank only;
- Shared accounts with permissions for each person;
- Configurable maximum amount of shared account per person;
- Society accounts with permissions for each person (replaces qb-management money handling);
- Automatic society boss syncing adding and deletion on roles change;
- Business accounts with permissions for each person;
- Fully integrated billing with personal & society invoices;
- Billing invoice lookup, citizen lookup, invoice canceling;
- Full transactions history;
- Exportable transactions;
- Account Freezing, configurable who can do it;
- Players Tracking, configurable dispatch notification where player just used bank or atm;
- Provided exports to integrate banking anywhere;
- Full support for both QBCore and QBox;
- And much more…
Installation is pretty straight forward, please refer to our documentation, and carefully read installation instructions.
[Installation & Other Documentation]
For this resource to work, you’ll need to install:
- [oxmysql] [mandatory]
- [ox_lib] [mandatory]
- [ox_target] [optional, places for it is not escrowed and can be easily changed to qb-target]
- Supported framework: QBCore or QBox [mandatory]
We’ve documented installation process and config is explained as well. Please refer to documentation website.